Thursday, March 3, 2011

TCU Muslim Student Assoc Interfaith Panel and the Theophany


I'm preparing to speak at the MSA Interfaith Panel, one of the events celebrating Islam Awareness Month here on campus. While I was thinking about what to speak about for my ten minute introduction, I kept coming back to the Theophany or appearance of God during the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.  It is one of two times where the Trinity manifests simultaneously in scripture. I figured what better way to explain Christianity than the Trinity? As depicted in the Greek Orthodox Theophany icon, Jesus is baptized as the Holy Spirit descends from heaven as a dove and God speaks words of approval of God's Son.  In the book of Mark, the spirit then leads him into the wilderness for 40 days and nights.  A perfect segue into the upcoming season of Lent. And hopefully a perfect introduction to the Christian faith for non-Christians.  I'm grateful to be given the opportunity to speak tonight, and I look forward to the meaningful time of interfaith dialogue together.

Posted via email from Chaplain Jake Hofmeister

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